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Top Down (2 Weeks, Solo Project, Top Down, Unreal 4)

In two weeks time I made two levels for a top down game. I want to try new things and step out of my comfort zone, so I did in making this top down game. I want to challenge myself and become better and there is no greater way than trying new things.

In two weeks time I made two levels for a top down game. I want to try new things and step out of my comfort zone, so I did in making this top down game. I want to challenge myself and become better and there is no greater way than trying new things.

Village where the game starts in. The side characters were taken from Mixamo along with the animations to make the level feel inhabitable. I put in fish that would swim down, birds flying, deer eating and leaves rustling to make everything come to life.

Village where the game starts in. The side characters were taken from Mixamo along with the animations to make the level feel inhabitable. I put in fish that would swim down, birds flying, deer eating and leaves rustling to make everything come to life.

Ito village, here you get a better glimpse of the player, other characters in the world and a up close perspective on the details that you wouldn´t normally get from a top down game.

Ito village, here you get a better glimpse of the player, other characters in the world and a up close perspective on the details that you wouldn´t normally get from a top down game.

Zoomed out Ito village and the path the player will take to progress in the game.

Zoomed out Ito village and the path the player will take to progress in the game.

Here I practiced making a cutscene, this is the end of it after it showed the area the player is in and what´s around. I really started liking making cutscenes so I utilize them in every game I make in some way or another.

Here I practiced making a cutscene, this is the end of it after it showed the area the player is in and what´s around. I really started liking making cutscenes so I utilize them in every game I make in some way or another.

At the end of the first level the player will step into a portal that takes them to the second level. The portal can be seen in the distance where the player will come from to enter this level.

At the end of the first level the player will step into a portal that takes them to the second level. The portal can be seen in the distance where the player will come from to enter this level.

I added collectibles scattered around the map for the player to collect in order to win. They replaced the enemies due to time constraints of the assignment but the players health bar and mana bar can still be seen.

I added collectibles scattered around the map for the player to collect in order to win. They replaced the enemies due to time constraints of the assignment but the players health bar and mana bar can still be seen.

One of the beautiful vistas in the game where I chose a fixed camera angle while walking across the bridge so you can get a better view of what´s going on in the background.

One of the beautiful vistas in the game where I chose a fixed camera angle while walking across the bridge so you can get a better view of what´s going on in the background.

Everything I use in my games are free or paid for but then I create everything from scratch, no ready made maps or levels.

Everything I use in my games are free or paid for but then I create everything from scratch, no ready made maps or levels.