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Game Project 1 (2 Weeks, 2D Side-Scroller, Group, Unity)

First iteration of the level drawn by hand. This is what was drawn on the very first day before opening up Unity. There was a clear vision of the level layout and how the players abilities could be used to traverse around (jumping, wall jumping etc.).

First iteration of the level drawn by hand. This is what was drawn on the very first day before opening up Unity. There was a clear vision of the level layout and how the players abilities could be used to traverse around (jumping, wall jumping etc.).

After iterating I started blocking out the level follow what I drew with changes being made to fit the player, enemies and hazards better.

After iterating I started blocking out the level follow what I drew with changes being made to fit the player, enemies and hazards better.

This section is where the game starts where it was very important to nail home the dark tone for the game.

This section is where the game starts where it was very important to nail home the dark tone for the game.

Traps were placed that with a well timed jump or wall jump they could be avoided so that the player wouldn´t be stuck at any point in time.

Traps were placed that with a well timed jump or wall jump they could be avoided so that the player wouldn´t be stuck at any point in time.